eTown is an exciting weekly radio broadcast/podcast heard from coast to coast on NPR, public and commercial stations. Every eTown show is taped in front of a live audience and features performances from many of today’s top musical artists as well as conversations and information about the world around us. eTown’s mission is to educate, entertain and inspire a diverse audience through music and conversation in order to create a socially responsible and environmentally sustainable world.

Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
eTown Time Capsule - Strand Of Oaks - Anna Burch
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Join us at eTown Hall as we revisit a show from 2019 featuring tattooed teddy bear Timothy Showalter--who goes by the stage name Strand Of Oaks, and singer-songwriter Anna Burch. Nick also interviews Murray Fisher of the Billion Oyster Project about the importance of oysters for clean water and storm mitigation.
That's all this week on eTown!
Visit our Youtube Channel to see artist interviews, live recordings, studio sessions, and more!
Be a part of the audience at our next recording: https://www.etown.org/etown-hall/all-events/